Publication of Papers

Publication of Papers

  • All proposals will be subjected to peer-reviews.
  • The accepted papers will be published by International Publishers or Proceedings Journals, and also submitted to SCOPUS, Clarivate Analytics Conference Proceedings Citation Index – CPCI (Web of Science) for evaluation for inclusion in the list.
  • Selected papers from the conference will be considered for publication in the supporting journals.
  • The selection panel of the conference committee will consider all paper abstracts received by the submission deadline to ensure that the proposed paper is relevant to the Conference.
  • The authors of abstracts that describe a relevant paper will receive in four day a notification of abstract selection.
  • All full papers will be double-blind reviewed by reviewers of the conference committee to ensure an adequate standard, that the proposed subject of their abstract has been followed, that the paper is of a suitable length, research method, content, the standard of Language is adequate and the paper is appropriately referenced.
  • For authors whose first language is not English we request that you have your work proofread prior to submission by a native English speaker (or at least a fluent English speaker). Papers can be rejected due to a poor standard of English.
  • Papers that are accepted will be published in the conference proceedings providing at least one author register and present (physical or virtual) the paper at the Conference.
  • The authors will have the full responsibility of accuracy and authenticity of their papers since they will be published as they are received without further proofreading and/or editing. We take plagiarism issue very seriously. All submitted papers will be checked for plagiarism. Papers including plagiarized material/information will be rejected.
  • We are not responsible from unpublished papers which are sent after the deadline of camera-ready papers.
  • If the problem is occurred by the editorial board, it is reimbursed, or your paper could be submitted to the next conference on condition that no registration fee and taking place in the program and presenting it.

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More than 68 abstracts have been submitted to the conference to date.
Due to popular demand, the abstract submission deadline has been extended until January 27, 2025